Become a monthly donor to
Place of Refuge

POR welcomes donations from individuals in the community who wish to support our life-changing work.

You make one decision, and your gift keeps working month after month.
  • Giving is convenient: Your donation becomes automatic until you advise otherwise. 
  • Giving is affordable: Giving smaller monthly gifts is an affordable way to support the Place of Refuge all year long.
  • You receive a single tax receipt: You can choose to receive one cumulative tax receipt for your monthly donations.

Ways to donate


Send your donation to our board treasurer,
Len Block at [email protected]

On Line

Through Canada Helps, by clicking the Donate button below. 


Send your donation to:
Place of Refuge Society,
Suite # 512 – 6647 Fraser St.,
Vancouver, BC V5X OK3.
Make cheques payable to
Place of Refuge Society.

The benefits of community and donor support

Ensures sustainability: a predictable funding source that we can depend on every month
means we have the resources we need to provide a safe environment for people to become healthy, confident, and drug-free.

Grows our vision: your monthly donation allows Place of Refuge to plan and grow our person-centred programming.

Online Donations

You may also donate to Place of Refuge Society by using the secure Canada Helps donation form below and choosing “Donate once or Monthly“.