Admissions &
Place of Refuge is open to men over the age of 19 with a desire to remain free from psychoactive substances.
Referrals are accepted from any source, including the following:
- Community Health Centres
- Community addiction services counsellors
- Residential treatment and support recovery programs
- Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)
- Self-referrals
Please fax or email completed applications to our support staff – Reive Doig
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 1-(778) 743 8173
Admission Criteria
Clients must abstain for a minimum of 3 months or have completed residential treatment or supportive recovery before in-take.
Complete and submit a referral package
Prospective residents will have an in-person interview on site – Zoom interviews are available for residents outside of the Metro Vancouver area.
A review and signing of the house agreements and cooperative agreements prior to intake.
Residents are limited to a maximum of two to three medium bags.
We do not have accommodations for pets.

Length of Stay
We ask for a three-month minimum commitment with an open-ended length of stay based upon a mutually agreed upon action plan to facilitate a healthy re-entry
into society.
into society.

Program Description
- Individual Counselling &
Life Skills Coaching. - Employment and education training
and referrals - Relapse Prevention
- Discharge, Transition and
Continuing Care Planning - Bio-psycho-social,
person-centred approach

Payment Options
- Private payments by clients
- WorkSafeBC
- Employee Assistance Programs
- Ministry of Social Development (Income Assistance, Employment Assistance)
Place of Refuge is open to men over the age of 19 with a desire to remain free from psychoactive substances.
Referrals are accepted from any source, including the following:
- Have a demonstrated commitment to recovery for at least three months
(or as assessed by staff) - Be motivated and ready to implement a personal recovery plan that includes:
- A concrete and detailed action plan for employment or education that you will implement while living in the transition housing program
- Develop a recovery maintenance and relapse prevention plan.
- Develop a financial management plan
- Organize a social and leisure time action plan
- Develop a plan to address your prioritized recovery needs
- Have a demonstrated commitment to abstinence
- Be stable enough to self-organize successfully in the routines
of healthy daily living.
How do you apply to access the
Place of Refuge Transition Housing Program?
Place of Refuge Transition Housing Program?
- Substance use and mental health professionals can refer you to the program
- Self-referrals are also welcome
- Complete the application form
- Contact Reive Doig at Place of Refuge Housing Program at
Tel: 778.885.5463
Fax: 778.743.8173
Email: [email protected]